• 正文概述
  • 更新记录
  •  Orchestral Music Tracks and Epic Musical Elements
    • Powerful Layered Music
    Tracks (Percussion, Choirs, Orchestra, etc.)
    • Tension Building Elements
    & Editorial Music FX
    • 5 In-Depth Tutorials + 5 Layered Soundtrack
    What is Pro Scores?
    Pro Scores is a massive toolkit of
    professionally composed music and sound elements for creating powerful
    soundtracks and scores. Pro Scores makes it easy to create hard-hitting music
    for promos, trailers and even film. Our collection includes tons of Layered
    Music Tracks that can be customized to build tension or split apart to build
    original tracks. You also get access to unbelievable music design elements
    inspired by popular motion pictures and




    • 5深度教程+ 5层原声模板


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